Dr. Sheri Fink is an American journalist and a reporter on subjects covering health, medicine and science. Her articles appeared in a number of high profiled publications such as the New York Times, Discover and Scientific American.
Dr Fink is a currently a senior fellow with Harvard Humanitarian Initiative and a staff reporter at ProPublica in New York. A 1990 graduate of the University of Michigan, she received PhD and MD from Stanford University in 1998 and 1999.[1]
She contributed to the public radio news magazine Public Radio International (PRI)’s The World covering a number of topics including the global HIV/AIDS pandemic and international aid in development, conflict and disaster settings.[2]
On April 12, 2010, she was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting for an article published by ProPublica website. The winning article was about the deadly choices faced at one New Orleans hospital during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The article was published in the New York Times Magazine and on ProPublica.org.[3] The article also made her a finalist for the 2010 Michael Kelly Award.